Chiropractic, since its beginnings, has been focused on restoring normal function. To do this, we focus on boosting the connections between your nervous system and the body. If your concerned about your body's ability to operate normally and feel that the pain you experience is not normal, book a consult to determine where your body could work better or even call the office to determine if chiropractic is the right fit for you. If you are booking for a family member and want to see how we can help them, please let us know and we will do our best. ​

Chiropractic care is about more than making your back pain disappear. Chiropractic is a natural, holistic approach to your health that aims to improve your quality of life. We educate our patients about chiropractic and other natural solutions to common health problems in order to give you a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining your health.

3 Reasons for
Chiropractic Care

Our reasons for care is simple. Health is amongst our most valuable possessions. Its loss makes health’s recovery a priority. Millions of people who have lost some aspect of their health, have consulted chiropractors and recovered. Chiropractors offer two phases of care.

1. Relieve a patient’s current symptoms.

We understand that people have different expectations when they first visit our practice. Some are “whooshers” as soon as they feel better “whoosh” they are gone. Others are looking for management of an old underlying problem. Some seek to maintain long term, drug free optimal health.

So we start with relief care which involves:
1. Discovering the basic cause of your health problem.
2. Proposing a trial period of care to confirm and if possible reduce, or correct that cause.
3. Encourage patients to assist in their own recovery. Clarify the value of maintaining a long term optimal drug free, healthy lifestyle.

2. Aiming to Retain a State of Wellness.

The world’s multitrillion illness industry greatly profits from an illness provoking lifestyle and as symptoms occur, treating them with drugs and/or surgery.

Chiropractors see true health as a journey, not as a destination. It attracts patients who seek to gain and retain optimal health, with no, or minimal use of drugs and/or surgery. Chiropractic puts nothing into, nor takes anything from, the body.

3. It is your journey, you are in charge.

As a patient you may choose to employ a chiropractor to aid your recovery from a health problem. The chiropractor and staff members serve your best interests. It’s your body, your own health, your future! We hope to make appropriate recommendations and work together to achieve your goals.


A vertebral subluxation is an area of altered spinal motion, tension or misalignment that interferes with the flow of information and energy along spinal nerves and throughout your nervous system.

Most subluxation exist without obvious pain or discomfort.

Some of the possible effects of subluxation include:

• Reduced function of the different organs or systems of your body
• Reduced ability to cope with and adapt to stress and change
• Change in muscular tension
• Reduced flexibility, balance, muscle strength and coordination
• Reduced vitality and energy level
• Poor posture and altered spinal curves
• Low back pain, neck pain, headaches, pain in other parts of the body (depending on which nerves are affected)
• Spinal degeneration or decay
• Extremity problems such as shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee and ankle issues
• Pregnancy-related conditions


Chiropractic has been evolving for more than 100 years. During this time a great number of different styles and approaches have been developed. Doctors of Chiropractic use a wide range of different methods adapted to suit people of all ages and body types, from newborns to the elderly.

Your Chiropractor may use any of the following therapies or techniques as part of your treatment:


Adjustment are the precise method Doctors of Chiropractic use to correct subluxation and improve the function of your spine and nervous system.

It is the skilled use of delivering a specific force in a precise direction, to a joint that is stuck, or not moving correctly. This adds motion to the joint, helping to gradually restore normal function. The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is to permit improved spinal function, improved nervous system function, and consequently, improved health.

Neural Organisation Technique

Neural Organization Technique recognizes that traditional spinal care is not always sufficient for patients with complex clinical histories. Research in neuro scientific principles relating to the four main survival systems of Fight / Flight, Immunity, Digestion, and Reproduction has revealed how dependent the organization of these four survival systems are to the integration of the proper neurological function of the spine, extremities and cranial structures.

The aim of Neural Organization Technique is to reorganize the function of the nervous system. These body systems are likened to a biological computer system composed of specific neurological programs for everything we see, do, and feel. Some programs are innate while others are acquired over time as the need presents itself.

• Dry-needling / Musculoskeletal Acupuncture
• Kinesiology Taping
• Soft Tissue Therapy
• Activator
• Drop Piece
• Rehabilitation exercises
• Mechanical blocks
• Mobilizations
• Soft Tissue Therapy